Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Technical Difficulties

In case you can't already tell, I am by no means any sort of professional disc jockey. In fact, in the spirit of punk music I can guarantee you there will be multiple fuck-ups every show due to the following issues:

1. Something (?) happened to the transmitter last year. WRVU doesn't receive enough of a budget from Vanderbilt Student Communications to fix the problem so unless you would like to donate lump sums of money to the station, it will always sound a bit fuzzy. Please direct all of your donation inquiries to wrvugm@gmail.com or jim.hayes@vanderbilt.edu.

2. To make matters worse, my less than classy laptop which I play all my tunes from likes to click twice every couple of minutes, as if I'm playing from a skipping record. I think it's some sort of fatal hard drive problem. If you would like to join the Save Melissa's Laptop Foundation, please direct your donation inquiries to wrvuradioclash@gmail.com.

Besides that, if there is an actual issue, for example - if the mic is too low or you hate the song I'm playing, please call the DJ line. 322.ROCK. (322.7625)

Also, you should know that WILLIE G and MIKE rock my socks off. Thanks for being dedicated listeners and request-ers. Again, if you want to post a request here ahead of time I can be sure to play them for you next week. Otherwise, you're going to have to take a gamble with my minimal iTunes library.

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